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After falling foul of Twilight's machinations in their last encounter, Spoiled Rich concocts what some may regard as a drastic plan to set things right. Dare you read on? I think you do.

A direct sequel to "I Wish To Register... A COMPLAINT!!" . Probably a good idea to read that first. Hey, just a suggestion.

Featured from 5-7 June 2024. Not as hard as it used to be, but proud nonetheless. ^^

Chapters (1)

One day, Twilight Sparkle wakes up to the realization that she's in a religious cult, and Princess Celestia doesn't really raise the sun.

Fiction about science counts as 'science fiction,' right? :twilightsmile:
Probably an entry in Science Fiction Writing Contest (Mk III).

Story's cover image source: I made and edited a show screencap.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has sent an invitation to Twilight Sparkle and friends for a royal Canterlot wedding! While reading off the list of invitees, however, Twilight comes across a certain "Mrs. and Mrs. Dash". Turns out Rainbow Dash and Rarity are a married couple, and have been since before Twilight moved to Ponyville. Twilight never knew this. Hilarity ensues, as well as a few feels.

(AU, where RariDash are, well, married. Some canon events and scenes have been shifted accordingly, to Twilight's increasing confusion.)

25-March-2024: Featured. Thanks for reading!

Chapters (8)

Evil Celestia decided to take her rule to a world of humans, and turn them into ponies. She arrives, and everything goes as planned; until Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are sent to deal with the threat.

Chapters (1)

If the lines of time created by Starlight Glimmer before they disappeared some of its inhabitants ended up in another world, more specifically in a town called Gravity Falls.

Chapters (3)

There are many worlds out there, each different from our and the same applies to them as well. But they all share the same sky, the same destiny. Though this is a tale of a young man with a different loft of life until he is mysterious thrown into another world... one like his but at the same time vastly different.

In this new land, Christopher Cornelius Corona, explores a world filled of wonder and delight with magic at every turn that is inhabitable by ponies, but not just normal ponies! A world filled with technicolor anthropomorphic ponies. And what new adventure is without friends? Upon his arrival in this strange new world he is greeted and befriended by the most magical set of friends, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and the lovable Pinkie Pie who quickly take him in and become his closest friends at the start.

Though underneath all the magic and wonders of friendship, there is always something lurking in the shadows. Who brought him to this world of Equestria? Why him? And along the way as he becomes a citizen of this new world perhaps more than friendship will bloom between him and his friends? Perhaps... true love? And what's this... YOU'RE ALLOWED MORE THAN ONE SPOUSE IF YOU CHOOSE TO? A Harem, a Herd? Oh dear... life has turned upside for the young lad with plenty of ecchiness as well. How will he survive the beautiful bountiful vixens that are all around him as well as the mysterious of this world... and maybe his world as well?

- Human x Anthro Pony Harem Story

Author's Notes: Just a few details I like to share with you all, first and foremost:

- There will be no swearing or cussing in the story (though mild swearing I might allowed)
- There will be NO alcohol in the story though playful references and jabs will be in place, like with the doughnut scene with Spike in the Season 1 finale
- There will be some Japanese Otaku Ecchiness involved, but nothing too crazy
- No Same Sex Pairing, everyone is Straight in this story so don't expect any romance between the same sex at all. No offense to fans of it or people who are into that sort of thing, but I've seen it done to death so many times and in a lot of romance stores here on Fimfiction I've grown a little tired of it
- NO HEAT CYCLE like a good portion of other Anthro Pony stories I've read, though unless there's demand of it I might make a spin-off one-shot of it
- Like with no heat cycle there is no Clop (or Lemon) in this story, though if people are interested I might do a side-story that focuses on it but no promises
- All the characters, dialogue, and violence will be closely matched the same as the show so don't expect blood or gore at all in this story (maybe a few scrapping, but that's it)

That is all and I hope you enjoy this new tale of mine!

Chapters (2)

Sometimes friendship isn't enough to fix a problem; sometimes what you need is a gentle hand and a fresh frame. Sunset Shimmer is determined to be whatever Twilight Sparkle needs, if it means saving her night.

Art by: sunsetslight

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, Princess Celestia meant the world to her young protégée, Sunset Shimmer. In many ways, she was the world to the unicorn filly.

Now, the relationship between mentor and student has become deeply strained. Some weeks ago, the two suffered a major spat. As the rift between them grows and emotions churn inside Sunset, she begins to wonder exactly who she is in the eyes of the age-old alicorn who controls the sun.

And as Celestia prepares to leave for a diplomatic errand, she finds herself confronted by her volatile pupil -- and, put on the spot, must find a way to bridge the gap before it's too late.

Ignores the depiction of events in the comic The Fall of Sunset Shimmer. While the story works as a standalone prequel to canon G4 animated media, it is also canon with my ongoing longform story Together from Canterlot to Canterlot, as well as, separately, my alternate universe setting established by What My Destiny is Telling Me. (Despite the name, it is not directly related to my story Late-Night Conversations.)

Cover art by daOtterGuy, who pre-read the story along with The Sleepless Beholder. Special thanks to TCC56 (First Hoof Account) and Sledge115 (Sogno di Volare) for inspiring me to dabble in this period of Sunset's life.

Featured on 11/8/22-11/10/22! Re-edited 1/14/23. Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

An entity begins to transport inhabitants of Equestria to the world of Gravity Falls.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat

Older, yes. Wiser, perhaps? If he had learned anything, he wouldn't be there. Offered a new chance to visit Equestria, he takes it, not understanding just how much it has changed since the first time. At least he lacks wings or a horn.

The prequel is not required or even suggested. This is a new story in a new world. It is only by the magic of authorship that one of the characters happens to be the same, but even they have been through quite a bit that was never written about. Come on in fresh, it's quite alright.

Being written for a lovely patron of my patreon. Scheduled at the start for 2 updates a month.

Chapters (54)